Friday, 23 January 2015

Contents Progress 4

Since my last post I have made the "+Plus" smaller and added in the extra stories for the magazine. I have moved my band index to Align Left and have put page numbers next to them where you'd expect to find them. If two or three numbers are next to the band they are on more than 1 page in the magazine. The photograph for the main story was blurry when I last posted so I have changed to a photo I previously had of the same model.
I have also changed a photo of the Spotify top 100 and changed it to a photo of Cory and changed the story to one more important.

Contents Progress 3

I have created polaroid style boxes for the feature articles in my magazine. When I have been looking at magazine contents pages in this sort of style, there is always a box with extra stories in, which is where I am going with my "+Plus" box. I intend to add page numbers to my band index to say which stories they relate to. I have taken all of the concert photos myself at concerts I have attended in the past year or so, and the portait photos were also taken in the past year by myself as i felt the ones I have taken more recently were too similar to eachother and I am using the best ones for my cover and double page spread.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Contents Progress 2

I have looked at some NME contents pages and some of them have the main stories in boxes with photographs relating to them in some way. I wanted to add a lot more photos and thought of the idea of a film reel on the bottom line of the page, this way I could put some of my concert photographs in them of indie and alternative bands which relate to my magazines and to the other articles in it.

Contents Progress 1

My magazine is fortnightly therefore I have not wrote "this week" and have instead used "IN THIS ISSUE". Magazines that I have looked at include a band index or the chart listings so I decided to add a band index of indie and alternative artists.